Posts tagged with: Running Journey

First time when I heard about 100 days of Running Virtual Challenge in the year 2019, I was curious to know how a person can run continuously for 100 days.......
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You just need a moment to change your perspective towards your life and it happened in the year 2013. I was overweight (90 kg) and craved for all the junk......
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6 working Days and challenge of running every day sounds difficult. But as the proverb goes, “Difficult doesn’t mean impossible. It simply means that one has to work hard.” I......
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This is my first-time participation in 100 Days of Running by HDOR. I’m excited to share that I have completed 100 days of running covering 901 km when I started......
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Muhammad Ali once stated: “It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.” The fact that once I......
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I run because I can. When I get tired, I remember those who can’t run, what they would give to have this simple gift I take for granted, and I......
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Though I had registered for the 100 days of running challenge in 2018, I could not complete it due to various reasons. In 2019, my friend Irina Barua influenced me......
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Irina Hazarika Barua is a long-time champion of 100 Days of Running. She has been a community leader as well, motivating and encouraging other participants through the challenge. We are......
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Started running to discover self & found my solace as a triathlete. I started his running journey in 2015 and has completed 100+ sports events so far including 5 km......
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Running is meditating – With the growing stress levels in our everyday life – we need to spend some time with our self. For me running is the only time......
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