First time when I heard about 100 days of Running Virtual Challenge in the year 2019, I was curious to know how a person can run continuously for 100 days. I could not even think of running for 2 km for one single day.

To get things right I started interacting with few runners who have successfully finished their HDOR in previous years. I developed some confidence in taking up the challenge for running 100 days after hearing the stories of people how they followed their mind.

In the initial days, I felt tired and also developed cramps since I was not in a habit of running. But I never give up as I daily saw the other HDOR participants’ performance card and was encouraged by their will to do it every single day. The most notable thing was that many participants were above my age and they were doing excellent. This inspired me on a daily basis.

In addition to this, I started doing stretching, weight training, yoga, brisk walks and stair climbing. My body’s strength improved over a period of time.

After successfully completing the 100 Days of Running 2019, wherein I completed 750 km and also benefitted by losing my weight and reducing my waistline.

In New Year 2020, I have also opted for another HDOR virtual Challenge to Run 2020 km in 2020.

My body strength & stamina has improved because of HDOR. HDOR contributed greater consistency and healthier life.

Now I am a passionate Runner as running has helped me to destroy our unwanted thoughts. Running keeps me happy and fresh from head to toe.

I am very thankful to the HDOR team who have introduced such a wonderful Virtual Challenge platform for the well-being of the people and for our Nation at large.