After my heart surgery in 2014, I was physically and mentally weak like every other heart patient. Started with a brisk walk in September 2015, I came to know about......
I chose HDOR, as this is one confluence where I can benchmark my endurance level with self and with others and at the same time HDOR is a forum to......
Dr Sarvpreet Singh Ghuman, 51-year-old from Ludhiana, Punjab was a casual runner with 30 min jogging schedule 2-3 times a week for about 8-10 years. By the year 2016, he......
HDOR is a “lifestyle” changing event. This program helped me get into training my mind to get up and get going. To fulfil the criteria of running a minimum of......
“If you want to change your body, exercise. If you want to change your life, become a runner” I’m working as a Marketing manager in the Engineering Company in Ahmedabad.......
Running is my Passion it is a matter of great importance and significance for me to run 100 days year after year with you all. I believe in the idea......
Girish is a passionate runner who has not been just running for his health but also to create awareness for different causes for the benefit of our society. He has......