Running 1,000 km / 1,000 miles in the year requires high level of dedication through the year where you will be averaging about 2.74 km / 2.74 miles for every day of the year, no mean feat. A distance which can challenge the most experienced of runners.
Run 1000 Km / 1000 Miles in 2021 is part of our HDOR 2021 Distance Challenges.
You can record and submit your activity using Strava, MayMyRun,, MapMyRide, Runkeeper, Garmin Connect, TomTom Sports, Fitbit or Apple Watch, in fact any other mobile app which supports sharing your activity data as a public GPS activity link.
We also support automatic data import from Strava. If you use any other mobile app or device which can export app data to your Strava account, manual data submit is not required.